The House Itself
Here’s a collection of beautiful old photographs of the House from the “Good Old Days”. This is a sentimental journey for us and it gives us a sense of nostalgia as we contemplate the new potentials and possibilities for how this grand old building can step into the future, well-loved and cared for again.

This property was resplendent with such lush greenery.

Restoring and Opening the House For
Public Enjoyment, Education and Inspiration
These photos show how “The Seth House” looked in its prime, and how it looks today. There is so much good we can do here.
Our goal is to create a beautifully restored building that will be open to Seth readers and friends and everyone from everywhere who would like visit and enjoy. Let’s honor the amazing events that happened here which brought us such a great wealth of breakthrough information.
Bringing us together is what this is all about. We’re creating a lovely Community Center, a meeting place to uplift the spirit and the quality of human life. This is a place of quiet contemplation, as well as lively conversations and good hearty laughter. This is a place for personal healing, and awakening a sense of true spiritual connection.
Please join us – the fun has just begun – 🙂
Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. We invite you to join our efforts in growing this amazing non-profit foundation that will be of service to assisting humanity in flowering to a greater awareness.
Volunteers and donors can share this journey of inquiry into the the nature of the human spirit and reality itself… As well as do some office work, meet and greet, paint some walls and decorate… And meet new people too!
We believe everyone is entitled to a joyful life, and to know the truth about this multi-dimensional reality which we are all a part of, and to manifest the beautiful potential of their own inner self.
Please see our Donate page if you would like to help support this project. See our Contact page if you would like to visit and see for yourself what what Seth and this place is all about . There are so many ways to open new doors to your inner world. We hope to bring something beautiful to Elmira… to the world… and to yourself.
The Seth House Project. Be part of it.