Hi – FYI – Our “Mission Statement” is undergoing a bit of a revision due to the fact that
we purchased the house nearly 2 years ago, and there are new steps to be taken in our journey now.
More to do and more to say. Check back later. Legal contemplations are underway…
This is the “Mission Statement”
for the 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
The purposes of “The Seth House” are as follows: (i) to preserve and promote the philosophies and teachings of Seth, a non-physical entity “channeled” by acclaimed author Jane Roberts, and (ii) to renovate, maintain, and make public a landmark building located at 458 West Water Street in Elmira, New York, which building is the former residence of Ms. Jane Roberts and the original site at which she channeled Seth.
The Seth House will endeavor to promote the philosophies and teachings of Seth, as set forth in Ms. Roberts’ works. A principal initiative of the Seth House will be the renovation of the aforementioned building, which will allow for the building to be opened to the general public and maintained as a place of quiet contemplation and spiritual reflection. The building will be known as “The Seth House” and will serve as a memorial to Ms. Roberts’ contributions to New Age thinking and a means of furthering the teachings of Seth. Visitors to the Seth House will be afforded opportunities to participate in special Seth-themed programs, including, but not limited to, discussion groups, conferences, lectures and workshops. Such programs will be organized by the officers and directors of the Seth House and, in most cases, held in the very space where Seth was channeled by Ms. Roberts.

The building itself was built in 1888 as a mansion and converted into apartments in the 1930’s. Jane, with her husband Robert Butts, lived here from 1960-1975. The building is ideally suited to offer guest accommodations for visitors from around the world. Tourist dollars would be greatly appreciated by the economically challenged City of Elmira.
The building is currently run down and in need of repair. It is located just two blocks from the Elmira downtown district and across the street from the Chemung River and Walnut Street Bridge. The exterior has been neglected, so by improving the building we would also improve an important and highly visible landmark for the City of Elmira. This will be a place of peace for those seeking wisdom, education and personal insight.
The Seth House’s activities – principally, the acquisition, renovation and maintenance of the Seth House and the conduct of positive programs therein – will be funded through donations from individuals and businesses, private and public grants, and admission fees paid by participants in certain conferences and workshops to be conducted by the officers and directors.
The Seth House is currently staffed by a team of volunteers, led by its officers and directors. These volunteers oversee all activities relating to the Seth House’s formation and the commencement of its operations. As funding becomes available and the Seth House’s activities expand, the board of directors of the Seth House anticipates hiring paid employees to carry out the day-to-day operations of the Seth House. Positions to be filled by paid employees are expected to include, but not limited to the executive director, finance director, property manager, and programming director.
Celebrating the Day We Were Granted Our 501(c)(3) Status

On December 27, 2017 Kate & Oshara committed to the project of creating The Seth House. The goal was to preserve the building and transform it into an open center where people could visit and appreciate the contribution Seth made to humanity. Exactly 1 year later, to the day, we received notification on December 27, 2018 that the we had officially become a 501c3 Non-Profit Charitable Organization. What an amazing anniversary gift!
We cannot help but be nostalgic about how far we have come. All this has been done with the inspirational teachings of Seth and a sense that we have had a lot of guidance from our benevolent friends in spirit. This reality creation continues as we meet new friends, human and otherwise, who are joining us in continuing this great adventure. With your support (creative, financial, and otherwise) we will make this reality even more real every day.
We thank Seth for all he gave humanity. We thank all of you who have supported this project in so many ways.
The next step is for the 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization to actually purchase the house. Now is the time we need your donations and they are tax deductible. So check out the Donate page to find out how you can support this project and be part of co-creating this new bright reality.
Celebrating the Day We Signed The Deed
Purchasing 458 W. Water Steet, Elmira, New York
On December 27, 2021 Oshara, as President of THE SETH HOUSE, Inc. signed the paperwork to purchase 458 W. Water St., Elmira NY, The Seth House. Our goal was realized with the help of each and every one of your donations and your loving support. Now it is time to preserve the building and transform it into an open center where people will visit and appreciate the contribution Seth made to humanity.
Exactly 4 years later, to the day, after establishing the non-profit foundation, we signed the deed that the 501c3 Non-Profit Charitable Organization officially became the owner of The Seth House. What an amazing anniversary gift!
The next step is for the 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization to do the BIG renovations. Now is the time we need your donations and they are tax deductible. So check out the Donate page to find out how you can support this project and be part of co-creating this new bright reality. Together we will make Seth’s House beautiful and a place where his teachings will continue to be honored in perpetuity.
December 27th is a VERY SPECIAL DAY for us here at The Seth House.
So many happy important milestones happened on this date.
December 27, 2017 – After over a year of talking about it, Oshara and Kate committed to the work. We bought the website domain name and started cranking out the vision, the dream, the steps to making it reality. We went live with it.
December 27, 2018 – After filing our papers with the government, and waiting the long wait, we found out we received notification that we were an official 501c3 Non-profit on this day! Yay!
December 27, 2021 – We signed the final closing papers for the purchase of The Seth House. Reality is wonderful.
So there’s no doubt about it:
The Seth House is a December Baby!