
Welcome to The Seth House

“You create your own reality.”   –  Seth


THE SETH HOUSE is the apartment building in Elmira, New York where Jane Roberts and Robert Butts lived from 1960-1975. This is where Jane Roberts channeled most of the Seth Books. Seth’s information is profound, transformational and life changing.

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Jane Roberts with typewriter

Together they wrote 45 books, selling over 8 million copies, all of which are still in print. Their books have been translated into over a dozen languages reaching an ever-growing worldwide readership.

Seth’s message is timeless, uplifting and self-empowering. Many well-known authors, speakers and teachers have been influenced by Seth, whose refreshing insights about consciousness, personal wellness, and the exploration of other realities is an inspiration to millions of readers today.

Our 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Foundation was established to honor the remarkable achievement that took place on this very site. We began our work in 2016 to move towards preserving the building and making it a very special place.

This building, fondly referred to as “The Seth House” was purchased December 2021 – with many thanks to the efforts of volunteers and the donations from hundreds of Seth readers and friends from all over the world, our non-profit organization proudly has taken on the challenges and responsibilities for the stewardship of this legendary building. Now it’s time to fully restore this remarkable landmark and to open it up as a place for all to enjoy. Come see where history was made.

Jane Roberts channeling Seth

The intention for the building, in addition to becoming a special place for those who love the Seth books, is to also be of service to our local Elmira community. This building will be made available for public events promoting wellness, personal exploration, creativity and inner peace.

An event of great significance happened on this site, not so long ago, and it’s time we honor, preserve and beautify this place with the intention that it will have a positive influence on the world around us now and for future generations.

We welcome you to be part of this exciting adventure. We invite more volunteers, collaborators, donors and friends to join us on this journey and to become part of this important project. There are so many ways to help support this vision and to participate in co-creating a wonderful place that will have so much to offer.


Thank you for your support!  •  This place is for you!



Here’s a very funny and very informative VIDEO INTERVIEW

