We can do it poster with Jane's face
Iconic WW2 poster with Jane’s face superimposed.


Calling All … Donors, Benefactors, Contributors,
Philanthropists, Gift-Givers, Patrons, Supporters,
Guardian Angels, Fairy Godmothers, Humanitarians,
Sponsors, and Friends…

We sincerely invite you to support “The Seth House” and all the wonderful things it can become. We have been working on this project since 2016. We’re growing strong and all the elements are in place for this to become a truly amazing place to be. Now, more than ever, you’re support means so much.

With your help, we can stop the decades of ongoing disintegration the house has experienced. We are at a strategic point in time where we have the opportunity to create an amazing public center to honor the Seth legacy. This is the perfect place to provide space to study the information, enjoy community spirit, as well as serving a vital need to preserve Seth-related artifacts, archives and other pertinent information.


Join Us!  We Welcome You to Be Part of This Important Project!


* GuideStar Gold Transparency 2023 * …………….. The Seth House ……………..

“THE SETH HOUSE” IS A REGISTERED 501(c)(3) NON-PROFIT CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION in good standing. EIN 82-4468358. Your donations are tax deductible.

Below you will find a multitude of ways to donate and show your support for this vision. Become a friend of The Seth House… Become a donor… Join the team…  Be part of this extraordinary journey.

YOU WILL RECEIVE A “THANK YOU” PACKAGE – As our way of saying “We Love You”, you will receive our “Donor Appreciation package” in the mail, with lots of goodies. Also, your name will be added to our “Donor Wall”. Please be sure you send us your physical mailing address and email address so we may thank you and keep you up to date with all the progress happening here.


There Are Many Ways to Give Your Gifts…


Please participate in our new FACEBOOK FUNDRAISER!
We need to raise money for Home Maintenance and Restoration Projects!

Broken Pipes from Freezing Cold
are being repaired. Please help with our other projects.
We hope you can visit someday and see how your donation helped make this place nice again.


Click the Hummingbird to go to the Site.


Pay Pal buttonPayPal

Quick and easy, just click the PayPal Icon. You don’t need a PayPal account to donate, you can use a credit or debit card. Please consider making this an ongoing monthly contribution


Facebook donate buttonFacebook

One of the easiest ways to support our work is to go to our Facebook page and donate there. Click the facebook icon, then when you get to our FB page, click the blue Donate button.


facebook fundraiser buttonCreate Your Own Facebook Fundraiser – For your Birthday, or Anytime 🙂

You can create your own fundraiser for The Seth House on Facebook! Facebook has recognized The Seth House as a legal 501(c)(3) charity and they give 100% of all donations to this organization. There are no fees so all your friends’ donations will go directly to help run this place. Just click on the Birthday Fundraiser icon. You can do this for your Birthday or anytime for any reason you want to. Follow the instructions here on how to do that, then search for and choose The Seth House, Inc. from the list of approved non-profits. Have fun, it’s so easy to do.


graphic for mail donation

Send a Check or Money Order

The old fashioned way still works. Feel free to “snail mail” your love and support.

Make check or money order payable to:  The Seth House
Mail it to:  PO Box 458, Elmira, New York  14902


credit card graphicCredit Card

Call us at (607) 442-1315 and someone will be happy to take your information over the phone. If we are not able to answer the phone when you call, please leave a message and we will call you back as soon as we can.


Graphic for estate donationsEstate Planning

At some point we will all graduate from this earthly realm. And when we do it’s important to have arrangements already made for where we want our material things and personal savings to go. So, when it’s time to make those decisions, we hope that our friends will remember The Seth House by making the 501c3 a beneficiary in their wills. This would play an important role in creating long range financial wellness for this non-profit organization, and help to strengthen and secure its future development. Charitable donations are a nice way to reduce your estate taxes, while making a big difference in the world by leaving your lasting legacy where it will do so much good for many generations to come. Call us if you need assistance and you can speak with Aaron our attorney for legal assistance and planning.


Thanks for your support! This place will make a huge difference in the lives
of so many people who will enjoy and appreciate Seth’s
timeless message.