Would You Like to Start an In-Person Seth Group?
Or Host an Online Seth Group?
Great! Let us help you! We will list all such groups right here on this page at no charge. We can offer suggestions, connections and help spread the word.
Over the years, we have heard from so many people who want to find or start groups in their area. Or at least meet and talk to other Seth Readers… Now is the time – This is the place.
We recently sent out a Newsletter announcing our efforts to help create Communities, Groups and New Friendships focussed on the Seth Books. If you read the Newsletter and clicked the link to get over here, you made it.
The Seth House is a hub of many things. We know many people who have requested groups in their area. So if you email us to participate, we may be able to connect people right away.
This directory, now in the beginning stages, will grow and help make connections worldwide.
So Let’s Get Started! Let’s Have Fun!
And Let’s Get Our Community Talking Again!
Email us at:
Include in your email what you’d like to do. Include your contact info. We will post it here on this website page. We will do all we can to be supportive and help make connections. We are looking forward to hearing from you, and looking forward to 2025 being a pivotal year for Bringing People Together.
Kathy Mason – Would like to add you on.
Blairsville GA – Cindy Cicero – (919) 771-7800 – <cacicero@mindspring.com>
Online once a month. When you call you will hear a Chi Energy Greeting, leave me a message at this number about the Seth Book Group online.
Meetups – FL – TX – with Lisa Gothager
Mark M Giese – “I am interested in in-person Seth discussion meetings with people in the Racine/Kenosha, WI area or just to meet a fellow Seth reader for coffee. Contact me via e-mail: m.mk@juno.com – Thank you very much. –Mark M Giese — Thanks, Oshara.
Pat H. – info to be added
Pat B. – info to be added
Seth Freunde Website … Seth Freunde Facebook … Seth has a big following in German speaking countries.
Seth in Taiwan – As promoted by Dr Hsu, Seth is quickly taking Taiwan by storm.
UK – Mary Fahey?
Japan – Masa?
Canadian Woman who visited
2 New Zealanders – get their info
Hello, I am writing you because you are building up an (I suppose also international) database of Seth-interested people. There is no possibility to make a Seth Group here, but anyway I would like to send you my contacts, in case someday someone might be interested in contacting. I am german and living in Cascais, near Lisbon, Portugal; and know the Seth Protocols very well, having them all and read several times during my life.
2026 Seth Conference may be brewing soon. Tammy <tammy.infusino@gmail.com>
Finding Seth / Now Dictation – An excellent “Search Engine” and index to root through the Seth material.
New Awareness Network Publishing – The late Rick Stack’s website. You will find all of the Seth materials for sale, books, CDs and prints. He also has online courses on Seth, out of body experiences, lucid dreaming plus study groups. You’ll find descriptions of the classes at The Seth Institute. The Seth Learning Center has more Seth information, in several languages.
Seth Research Project – Mary Dillman spent the last 10 or more years of her life devoted to continuing research on the Seth materials, and Jane and Rob. Her Resources page has several useful lists to download, such as a complete list of the Sessions, indexes of sessions and books. This website and Mary’s legacy is now in the loving care of Deb Tejada.
New World View – Paul Helfrich’s site is a wealth of information for Seth readers. Here you’ll find podcasts, videos, articles and essays.
Tim Hart Hart on YouTube – He reads the Seth Books beautifully!
Saelyx Finna – Audio of Interview “Seth & Dreams”
James Cobban: Conscious Paradigm – YouTube
Hi everyone, I’m James Cobban, author of “Nursery of the Gods”, a book that seeks to show how Seth’s philosophy is supported by scientific evidence, even if the philosophical stance of science – materialism – would prefer to deny it. I’ve been transforming the book into a series of videos fpr YouTube, and the fourth episode is now available for your viewing pleasure!
You can watch it here: Beyond Materialism: The Western Creed and Consciousness
This episode deals with the implications of materialism, which can be quite depressing. Even those of us who don’t consider themselves to be materialists might be holding some limiting and invisible beliefs instilled in us in childhood – the idea that life has no purpose or meaning, that consciousness arises from matter, and that it dies when the brain dies. This video shows how the findings of quantum physics do not support those false beliefs, but does support the idea that consciousness plays a fundamental role in the creation of reality. Don’t forget to like and subscribe, to help boost the videos in the search algorithm!
Speaking of Seth – Online discussion forum for fans of the Seth materials and other esoteric topics. Founded in 2014. Come join a private group in a comfortable setting to discuss or learn more about the materials.
Remember, we are just getting started and you are the pioneers in this new directory.
Let’s watch it take shape and see old friends and new friends add their names to this New Community List.
We will catagorize it by State and by Country as more Groups and Individuals add themselves to the list. This will grow. If you meet just one new person, or step up to a leadership roll in creating a new Seth Group, it will all be worth it. This can have a powerful effect on many people’s lives. Go for it.
Send us that email: info@TheSethHouse.org
Bring in some new blessings now.