2 Taiwanese Seth Readers visited today – November 19, 2022.
This interview is in English translated to Taiwanese. See the Seth House inside and out!
They recorded their tour of the house and uploaded it onto their YouTube channel.
It was broadcast live to the Taiwanese Speaking Seth Community who were watching it as it happened.
It is in 2 parts. This is Part 1. You can link to her site to find Part 2.
Lots of laughter and deep feelings too.
News, plans, wonderful conversations. How the place looks today with renovations happening now.
I really loved this visit. Felt so uplifted by these wonderful women who share this love of Seth.
We look forward to their return!
Hey, we have a new Newsletter: Seth House Grand Opening 2023 + 24 Hour Fundraiser
We Participated in a Local Elmira Fundraising Event
See the Link – Community Foundation – FLX Gives – 24 Hour Fundraiser
We made $1,675! Mostly from our Beloved Sethies who saw it on our newsletter above. Means so much to make a good showing at a local happening. This will pay for lots of needed improvements here at the house. Thank you friends!
This event occurred on 11-17-22 through 11-18-22 … It was a 24 hour online event.
Here is what I wrote on their Webpage about us:
Good Question…
We’re restoring an historic building in the heart of Elmira. Jane Roberts was an acclaimed author who lived here from 1960-1975. Most of her 45 books were written right here. Her books have gone on to sell upwards of 8 million copies, translated into over a dozen languages and all of her books are still in print. Quite a literary achievement.
So why is it that not everyone in this town knows about our 2nd most popular author, after Mark Twain?
Happy to explain. The subject of Jane’s work was a little “out there” for some people’s tastes. Jane Roberts “Channeled” a remarkable entity named SETH. Their most popular bestseller is “SETH SPEAKS”. Their work could be called “New Age” or “Positive Thinking” or “Alternative Spiritual Thought” … plus they offered insights into oodles of other thought provoking topics while always remaining uplifting and life-affirming.
It was Seth who coined the term “You Create Your Own Reality” and he gives helpful hints for all of us to do just that.
We need to honor and acknowledge the significance of what happened here and open this place up for the public to appreciate and enjoy. A huge contribution was made in the study of consciousness that is well-respected by many leaders in human potential and metaphysical exploration. This will also be a way of bringing more tourism dollars to the area, as there have been many Seth enthusiasts from all over the world who have already visited the house or are planning to visit in the near future.
Our 501c3 non-profit owns the building outright and we have big plans for restoration, renewal and creating an awesome all-inclusive Community Center in the heart of Elmira that everyone will be proud of. We intend this to be a place for all to feel welcome. Let’s lift our spirits together and meet for free coffee and tea… 🙂
Website – www.TheSethHouse.org
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/groups/thesethhousediscussiongroup
Twitter – https://twitter.com/TheSethHouse
Call us – (607) 735-2750
Email – info@TheSethHouse.org
We’ve got a lot going on here. Restoration is ongoing and we’re proud of our achievements over the 6 years we’ve been working on this project. If we can restore and beautify just this one building in Elmira, in such a prime location, hey, everyone benefits!
By the way, the VIDEO we have posted here is a few years old, a little rough and clumsy, but it shows repairs we had already made by that time. What’s also very cool is that when you come to visit you will see so many more renovations we’ve made since then. Also, I have a better haircut. Hey, it was a windy day too.
We’re working on it folks. Let’s keep up the good work and make this place beautiful for everyone to enjoy, inside and out.
You will be proud of yourself every time you drive by to see how you helped make this place beautiful!
We plan on going public April 2023. We want to have regular hours and volunteers who will help with “meet and greet” and showing you around.
We hope to provide a unique public service…
• A quiet place of peaceful contemplation. A safe place to simply be.
• Social groups. Study groups. Art and creativity groups. Support groups. Open house parties and events. This will be a welcoming and wonderful new community meeting place for all.
• A creative space with great energy offering information about Seth, the history of the builiding, a museum, and 1,000 Seth Quotes posted on the walls. It’s a 3 story building with 8 apartments, so we have plenty of room to be creative and have fun.
• Special guest speakers who will address positive and uplifting topics of interest to everyone.
• Again, this place is for everyone, not just Seth Readers, but we won’t hide our gushing love for this remarkable information.
Really glad you asked that… We need VOLUNTEERS and positive community support… and of course your DONATIONS go a very long way in making this soon-to-be-majestic-again building in the heart of Elmira a gorgeous showcase for all to see.
Specifically we need help with:
• Computer Creativity and fine-tuning our online presence. Social media, Website, YouTube, etc. Video editing skills.
• Office help. Cleaning help. A variety of projects are ongoing.
• Donor Relations and Fundraising.
• We welcome your help for just about everything.
Join us – We’re having fun and you’re invited.
We really want to do good things here and be of service to our communities. We love what we’re doing and we are so excited about co-creating an environment that will bring people together for positive interactions, healing and wellness, personal and planetary transformation. Sounds good, let’s do it. Please spread the word and say nice things about us. It’s that simple. Let people know something good is happening in Elmira. We are trying to start a Community Center in Elmira for everybody… not just readers of the Seth Books… everybody who just wants to sit in a nice old house with nice gardens and feel relaxed, peaceful and meditative.
The opportunity to meet new people and have nice conversations with others is something we all need. To be inspired in making positive changes in one’s own life and to contribute something meaningful to the world is something we can all feel called to do. How simple can we make it to meet with like-minded and good-hearted individuals, or to have a quiet place in your day where you can collect your own thoughts privately in a comfy room where you feel welcome to be yourself.
It’s a different concept, but hey let’s make it work.
THE SETH HOUSE – A Wonderful Place to Be.
Our Autumn Newsletter and Fundraiser
View it Here – Autumn ’22 Newsletter
Newsletter from August 2022
See all the new updates we reported in our most recent NEWSLETTER.
We call it “New Beginnings” because that’s exactly what we are embarking upon.
Click here to go to the live site where it’s nestled neatly…
Newsflash from Late December 2021…
Great News!
The 501c3 Now Owns “The Seth House!”
YES! IT’S TRUE! – After years of good hard work and fundraising, The Seth House 501c3 has completed the purchase of the actual building where Jane Roberts channeled Seth! Restoration plans are moving full speed ahead.
It’s so hard to express the feelings we have inside for what is happening for us now. This legendary building will be lovingly preserved. What happened here will be honored. To be honest, we are overwhelmed with work, and our heads are spinning as we try to keep up with it all. We feel your love and support and this is possibly the most important stage in the history of this project.
We’re trying to catch up with everything, and trying to find the right words to express everything too. We are moving in all the right directions. It’s exciting, it’s challenging, it’s overwhelming, it’s love-filled, it’s crazy, it’s a huge responsibility. Send us your positive energy and words. Join us on a really wild ride into 2022 as The Seth House begins to really take off.
We do need Volunteers and other assistance. As you can imagine, work and responsibilities have risen. Potentials have risen too. We need more people-power to work alongside with us now. If you’d like to help out, great!
We have Fundraisers kicking in now to help support the next phase of our journey – full on restoration projects to make this place beautiful again.
Then later this year, as covid dissipates, we will begin again our ongoing Seth Discussion Groups, Open House Events, and other social and life-enhancing activities. We have so many exciting ideas in the works for 2022 – And you’re invited to join us!
Please view the rest of this website to get the full picture of what this place is all about and our plans to offer so much to this local Elmira community and the worldwide audience of enthusiastic Seth Readers and friends.
This is such an important step in the development of this project. Thank you so much for all the beautiful and heartfelt support we have received. Together we can do anything, and we are proving it every day – Rock On, People!
Please join our email/snail mail list so you can receive updates of our progress. There is so much going on and we invite you to be part of the journey with us. We seek volunteers, donations, and are looking to hire on a team of people who share this dream with us. We will create the most wonderful open center on earth to honor the Seth Books and these breathtaking insights on developing our consciousness, fulfilling our potential, and making the world a better place.
There’s so much good going on here – be part of it – find out more on this website… Blessings to you all!
See the Exciting Announcements we made
about the Purchase of the House in our 2 Recent Emails:
Email #1 – Our 1st NEWSLETTER announcing this great news.
We love you! A new era has begun! – LINK
Email #2 – Our most recent NEWSLETTER – LINK
See our bright and cheery Fundraising Campaigns that you can donate to right now
by going to our Donate Page where you will find oodles of options for how you can
support this outrageously wonderful project.
With Good People and a Seth Book – Everything is Wonderful.